Campervan Beauty

Having recently enjoyed a campervan holiday to Orkney with my sisters which involved seriously reducing my beauty and maintenance routine, I thought I would share with you some of my tips.

When space is tight and electricity may not be available, but you still want to feel good and look okay, having the right stuff with you is essential.

I’ve separated my list into products and equipment.

Equipment or tools

  • Tweezers
  • Nail Clippers
  • Nail File
  • Mirror
  • Small scissors
  • Cotton wool or cleansing discs
  • Brush/comb
  • Gas curling tongs


  • Deodorant!
  • Yodeyma perfumes
  • Cleanser/toner/moisturiser
  • Skin protection with SPF
  • Hand cream
  • Lip balm
  • Shampoo & conditioner
  • Hairspray & dry shampoo

It would be lovely to be able to take everything you normally use on trips, but if weight and space is restricted, you may have to make concessions. Some things are non-negotiable and that will be down to individual preference. I could cope without my make-up for a few days, but definitely not my skincare!

Here’s why I’ve chosen the above list:

Tweezers – not just for the odd stray facial or eyebrow hair, but also good for removing splinters or foreign objects. There is nothing worse than having an aggravating irritation you can’t remove because you have no tweezers! And a brow tidy instantly tidies you up!

Nail Clippers – so handy if you stub your toe or catch a nail. Tearing your nail can be painful if it catches so it’s good to always have nail clippers handy. They’re also useful as a backup for opening sachets if you’ve forgotten your scissors.

Nail File – essential for dealing with raggy bits on a nail. I never leave home without a nail file!

Mirror – maybe your campervan already has one, but just in case, it’s always good to be prepared. There’s always the camera option on your mobile phone and I’ve used that in the past too. It’s actually easier than trying to use the vanity or rear-view mirrors – and yes, I’ve used that too!

Small scissors – I hate hair in my eyes, but sometimes it’s not a bother until it’s windy, so small scissors deal with any strays that might start to annoy me. Good for nails, opening sachets of products.

Cotton wool or cleansing discs – for cleansing and taking make-up off.

Brush or comb – I always feel if my hair is tidy, I feel tidy.

Gas Curling Tongs – And the gas! I don’t go camping without them!

And now the products. Some products are totally self-explanatory so I won’t cover them (deodorant!), but I’ll do a quick run through of some others.

Cleanser/toner/moisturiser – All total non-negotiables for me. They just HAVE to come! I just can’t imagine how uncomfortable my skin would feel if I didn’t look after it for a few days. So I normally take a small Repechage Starter Kit with me because it has everything I need in handy little bottles and tubes. Nothing is going to get squeezed out or spill in my bag. It all fits into my toiletries bag easily and is easy to store. Sometimes I’ll take some of the Repechage samples as there’s enough product in them normally to last a couple of days. We hand them out free at the salon when you purchase skincare, so if you enjoy the odd weekend away, consider saving them for that.

Skin protection with SPF – For the body (if you ever manage to expose it!) I like a factor 50. I usually pick up a small bottle from a local retailer to do me a few days. But it has to be pretty warm (23 degrees plus) for me to get my shorts on! For my face, I like to use the Repechage Mineral Face Shield which has an SPF of approximately 30 – 40 and protects against the sun, wind and frost. A total environmental protection containing zinc oxide. I have such faith in it, I’ve supplied “Stormy & Steth” couple Allan Lipp and Mhairi Ross of The Long Row Home with enough to last for the duration of their epic round Britain row. They’ll be faced with sun, rain, sea, wind and goodness knows what else as they tackle the rough seas around the UK. I’m confident that their complexions will remain radiant!

Hand Cream – Being outdoors more definitely dries out your skin more and your hands will take the brunt of that. You’ll be doing more outdoor tasks so it’s important to keep your hands hydrated so that they don’t crack and become sore or allow bacteria to enter and cause infections. I like the Repechage Sea Spa Hand Cream and the Voyager Hemp Hand Cream. Both sink in easily so you don’t feel greasy and both have excellent hydrating and healing properties. Another great product I’ve sent our rowers away with!

Lip Balm – Nothing worse than sore, cracked lips. My favourite lip balm of all time is the Voyager Hemp lip balm. It’s soothing, healing and prevents hacks and chaps. Our rowers have a stash of this too so I’m certain they’ll have soft, silky lips when they return! It lasts a long time so you’re not constantly reapplying and it doesn’t have a yukky taste.

Shampoo & Conditioner – I just decant some of my favourite shampoo into smaller travel bottles and take that with me, but sometimes you’ll find shampoo and conditioner sample sachets in glossy magazines. As long as you have your scissors to open them, they make a handy addition to your kit and they don’t cost you anything.

Hairspray & dry shampoo – I do love my hairspray so I always take that with me. I always have my gas curling tongs (I never did get the hang of straighteners) and a small spray tin of Elnette. I’m not such a fan of dry shampoo, but it certainly revives flat hair when you can’t get a decent blow dry! Imagine having a hat on for three days – dry shampoo to the rescue!

So that’s some of my essential kit. Of course I have some make-up too. Lipstick, eyeliner, mascara and brow make-up. A compact eyeshadow palette with a blusher in it might also find it’s way into the bag along with a light concealer, but full foundation and powder gets left behind. I rely on the filter effect of the Mineral Face Shield instead of foundation.

So that’s mine. What’s in yours? It’s great when we can share information and learn from each other.

If you’ve already been on a trip this year, I’d love to hear about it. What great idea did you come up with or did you forget something and struggle without it?

If you’re still in the planning stages, what have you come up with that’s going to make your life more pleasant and keep you looking and feeling great?

And lastly, I mentioned “Stormy & Steth” the round UK rowers. Allan and Mhairi are attempting to be the first mixed couple to row around the UK in a rowing boat unaided. That means that they cannot come ashore, they cannot accept food, assistance or medical supplies from anyone and they have no motor or sails. They just row – all the way! It’s estimated to take approximately two months and when completed successfully, will earn them a place in the Guiness Book of Records.  They are also rowing to raise money for their two chosen charities; the RNLI and the Scottish Air Ambulance Charity. If you would like to read more about their challenge, follow their progress or make a donation, please click the link:

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